
Tomorrow’s journalists are at work today

Jun 2nd, 2009 | By

Poynter Institute college journalism fellows showed what they can do with writing, editing, video, audio — and some qualities that are far more important.

Newspapers, books share challenges

May 23rd, 2009 | By

New York Times Book Review Editor Sam Tanenhaus spoke at a University of Michigan conference on the pressures squeezing newspapers and books.

Social networks help journalists stalk and talk

May 17th, 2009 | By

St, Louis Post-Dispatch social media editor Kurt Greenbaum urged journalists at a recent SPJ regional to get trained in Twitter, Delicious, RSS, blogs. They help innews gathering and promotion.

Huffington Post’s internship auction extends a bad idea

May 14th, 2009 | By

The Huffington Post’s internship auction calls attention to the fairness of hiring unpaid interns. Academic and otherwise free internships can take advantage of students and impose unfair selection criteria.

Social media help in the job hunt

Apr 21st, 2009 | By

Social media tools like LinkedIn, Facebook and even Twitter can help immensely with job hunting. Start building networks now so they’ll be ready when you need them.