Posts Tagged ‘ Twitter ’

Twitter content only as good as your filter

Aug 24th, 2009 | By

Twitter is criticized as a journalism tool because so much of its content is inconsequential. It all depends on how you use it. I get good results using filters to find what I am looking for — and not what I’m not.

Social media help in the job hunt

Apr 21st, 2009 | By

Social media tools like LinkedIn, Facebook and even Twitter can help immensely with job hunting. Start building networks now so they’ll be ready when you need them.

A tweet in the hand can cost you a job offer

Mar 25th, 2009 | By

The tech community is all a-Twitter with the story of a candidate who booted a new job with Cisco by Tweeting about how the commute — and the work — would be dreadful. You guessed it. Someone saw the post and the offer appears to have evaporated.